4 years of you

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Dear Sei,

During the past four years, you changed me. You changed us. Little by little you are changing the world, with your big heart, with your genuine laughter, with your natural light, with your innate love for life, with your unapologetic honesty, with that little mind of yours that we don’t always understand but that is so unique and fascinating.

You challenge us everyday in the scariest but also most enriching ways. You help us find new perspectives, build our tolerance and patience, and push boundaries. You have this indescribable way to make me questions everything, yet trust that we will find all the right answers. You make me stronger, and wiser and more humble and more patient. You build up my tolerance and my faith and my spirit. You surprise me, you enchant me, you make me so proud. You have taught me to judge less, to enjoy the simple things, to celebrate the small victories, to learn from the shortfalls, to sing often, to dance because it feels nice, to find joy in every task, to run outside and soak up the sun, to watch and listen to the rain, to read my favorite books a few more times, to cry if I am sad just as I smile when I am happy, to feel refreshed by honesty, to take a break when I feel overwhelmed, to hold on to the moments that fill my cup, to create special memories out of everything, to romanticize the mundane, to live life fully.

You have changed me, you have made me better.

Since before you were born I had plans for you. I imagined what you would do and who you would be. I made a list of hopes and dreams that I envisioned you would achieve, a version of you that made sense to me. But then you came. You shook the ground. You threw curve balls. You took a stand and made your mark. Because despite your controlling mother, you have your own mind, your own plan, your own vision. And while it has been hard to accept, your way, has proven to be so much better. You, my amazing son, will always be better than my plans.

It’s been four years of you. Four amazing, magical years that started with me holding you, sometimes pushing you and as I started to walk along side you I finally realized that it would be you who would lead me. What a privilege that is, to get to learn with you and from you. Letting go is not easy but I get to watch you be your own person, to open your own path and create your own life. While I will always be here when you need me, I am also happy to cheer for you when you can do it on your own. You are the best of you because you make your own choices and follow you own heart and that is all I truly ever wanted for you. This life you are building is more than I could ever hope for and you humble me by showing me all you are capable of. You surprise me every single day and I am so proud of the amazing person you are. Your world is beautiful and I feel blessed that you allow me to be part of it.

Happy fourth trip around the sun.

Besitos y Besotes


Nyxie’s second trip around the sun

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Dear Nyx,

I remember my heart telling me we needed you. I had no idea yet what you would look like or be like. I just knew you were going to be a very important part of our little family and I couldn’t wait to meet you. 

Your brother Sei was with me when I found out you were already growing inside of me and I instantly started imagining what you would be like. We were at the airport when your dad got a call from our doctor and he put a little pink jelly bean inside your brother’s hand to reveal to me that you were going to be a girl, but even then, after getting a little clue, I still had no idea about the special person that was about to enter our lives. 

It has now been 2 years of your bright personality, your undeniable charm, your charismatic sass, your funny character and that “Nyxie spark” that everyone loves. 

You have grown so much in just one short year and continue to amaze us with your intelligence, your beauty inside and out, and your magnetic personality that makes everyone around you love you instantly. Some say it’s your beauty, others your goofy personality and sass or the funny things you say, but I think you were just born with a special spark. The kind that no matter the situation has the power to make things lighter and shinier and just happier and better.  I always knew we needed you I just didn’t know how much your magic would lift us.

I love so many things about you, from your cute little high dimples and sweet and sassy attitude to the way you get excited when your favorite song plays and you cant help but sing and bust out the best moves. You are always the life of the party, making everyone laugh with your silly comments and goofy faces. You always make everyone feel loved with big hugs and smiles and even when you mean mug or boss around you are so charming that you win people over without even trying.

I love how much you love bubbles and how you learned to blow them on your own. Your determination to be independent and figure things out by yourself amazes me. You can roll a perfect taco, drink from an open cup and use utensils better than most adults. You can peel fruit, open band aids and wrappers easily and the way you take care of your babies, and your brother fills up my heart. You are so strong and sure of yourself but that never takes away from your kind heart and sweet spirit. Sei is so lucky to have you and I am sure Nemi will also have in you the best of friends.

You are curious and fearless. You are smart and bold. You are kind and funny, unique and so special. You are a great friend, an amazing sister and the sweetest daughter. You are everything you want to be and there is so much to admire in that.

I love making memories with you. From our girl trips, to getting our first manicure together to the simplest things like baking together or singing songs. You make us laugh every single day and when something gets the best of me you are the first one to come comfort me. I love the special bond we have and how important and loved you always make me feel.

Nyxie, never stop being you. You are something very special that this world needs and we are so lucky you chose us to share your spark with.

Happy second trip around the sun my little stinky booty.

Besitos y besotes


Three Years of You

*Para la version en Espanol haz click aqui.

Dear Sei,

Three trips around the sun already and your light keeps shining brighter and brighter. Every time I look at you, I still can’t believe we made you. You bring an immense joy to our lives and you continue to teach us so much. You inspire me to be the best version of myself and remind me constantly of the beauty of simply being and enjoying life in its simplest form.

Watching you live so fully is inspiring and hearing your contagious laugh warms up my heart. Whether it is riding a roller coaster, observing the giraffes and zebras at the zoo, twirling as you watch fireworks burst in the sky, eating two ice creams at the same time, watching a show while devouring some chips or fries and chicken, running in the park, swinging and going down the slide, lining up the letters of the alphabet, transporting all your stuffed animals from room to room, making your sister dance as you sing or forcing your dad and I to repeat everything you say, you know exactly what makes you happy and nothing keeps you from doing it.

You have a natural confidence and belief in your abilities. You challenge yourself and take risks without hesitation because you know yourself to be strong and skilled. You are resourceful and creative, when something doesn’t look right to you, you find a way to make it work. You cheer yourself up, you trust yourself and know how to create your own happiness always cracking yourself up. You don’t need anyone’s approval to enjoy life and there is so much wisdom in that.

You have created your own little world. It is unique and magical and even if not everyone understands it you always welcome anyone who wants to join you in it.

I love to see you in the water. You honor your name so well without even knowing it. You learned to swim with such ease and you are the happiest splashing around whether it is at a pool, the bathtub or the big water slide we set up in the backyard. You are our little Bubble Guppy and I am convinced you would live in the ocean if you could.

I also love how you sing all day and how you put so much passion and energy in each note. Every song is a story and you find so much meaning in each one of the lyrics. And although you sing simply because it makes you happy it’s is so genuine that it makes everyone who witnesses it smile.

I love how much attention you pay to detail and how even when you seem distant or focused on something else you absorb everything. You remind us to enjoy all the little things and help us romanticize even the mundane. You are so protective of the things you love and work hard to keep them save whether it is your set of shapes not being separated or making sure your sister Nyx remains at eye sight.

I love your passion for the things you find interesting or beautiful. You memorize all your favorite songs, books and shows and then when you find yourself frustrated you sooth yourself by reciting all the things that you enjoy so much. When the world confuses you, you take yourself to a place that feels safe. You wisely chose to focus on all the things that make you smile and I love how much I learn from watching you do it.

I love how often I catch glimpses of your dad in you, from your full perfectly formed lips to your thick straight hair that only a special kind of gel can hold, how much you love watching the same show over and over again or how you always find a song to fit the moment. Your ability to notice even the smallest details, to remember everything you see and even that spontaneous way to lighten up a moment with a silly comment. There is no doubt in my mind that you are your dad’s son. There is a very special bond between you two that warms up my heart. There is a unique world that only you two understand and it makes me so happy that you have each other to travel in it.

I love the subtle way you show how important your sister Nyx is to you. It’s not always easy to read you because a lot of the things you feel are not obvious to the eye but I see it in the way you worry when she is not around, how your eyes light up when you make her laugh and even how many times you repeat her name even if it’s mostly to tell her no. There is no doubt in my mind that you are her favorite person and that’s not just because she seems the magic in you but because she feels the bond you care so much to protect.

I love how special you always make me feel. How sweet your voice sounds when you call my name, how warm your hugs feel and how excited you always are to share your joy with me. You bring out the best parts of me. Making you smile makes me feel powerful, giving you comfort brings me peace and being your mom gives me strength. Your capacity to adsorb information and analyze the world in your own special way is truly admirable and I feel so blessed that you share it with me.

I want you to know how much I see you. I see your strengths, your beauty, your kindness, your uniqueness and your magic. I see you so clearly and I am fascinated by all of it. Your heart is so pure and your spirit so bright and it is so extremely easy to love you. I am so proud to know you and being your mom is both my biggest honor and my most important role. I will always be here to give you guidance and support you but it is you who teaches me how life is supposed to be lived and truly enjoyed and for that I will forever thank you.

In a world that won’t always make sense remember that you weren’t born to simply fit in it. You came to shine your light, to build your own path, you came to change it.

I love you forever.


Your First Trip Around the Sun

*Para la version en Espanol haz click aqui.

Dear Nyx,

Today, you stood on top on the little couch we have set up in front of the TV and laughed as we told you to please sit down. You taunted your brother with a toy you don’t even like but know he does, flaunting in front of him and then running away when he tried to grab it. You mean mugged your cousin when she ate a chip and didn’t offer you one. You threw your water bottle on the floor more times than I can count just to watch me pick it up over and over again and you made sure that every speck of your left over dinner also ended up on the floor because you think its funny when we tell you to not do something and you do it anyways. You made me read you the same book 12 times and sing you every song I know before finally falling asleep, you woke up 2 more times through the night until I ended up sleeping with you in your bed and then woke me up at 6am by poking my cheek until I finally got up.

You are such a little stinker.

You are mischievous and stubborned and loud and wild and oh so so so dramatic. But all those things also mean you are determined and strong and confident and assertive and so fun and goofy. 

And you know what else you also did today? You jumped on the big couch to sit on your dad’s lap because you love to watch TV with him while he scratches your belly, you found your brother’s pacifier (the one we were purposely hiding) and gave it to him because you knew it would make him happy and then danced around him as he sang one of his favorite tunes, you gave food to the dogs because you love to see them jump of joy, you snuggled into my arms to fall asleep reminding me how loved and protected you feel in my arms, you gifted us your smile so many times throughout the day and made sure to make us all laugh a million times.

You are such a bright light.

You are sweet and loving and thoughtful and comforting and happy and funny. I love the way your eyes smile, the way you bury your head into my chest and how you smirk at your dad. I love how you always try to connect with your brother even if it means you have to enter his world when you are barely discovering yours. I love your natural charm, how you are always ready for a picture, how you start dancing at the slightest sound of a melody and how sure you are of yourself. 

My heart is so full and you are such a big part of that. You are such a special part of our lives and there is no doubt in my mind that your place on this earth is right here in our little family.

I remember feeling so anxious and scared to become your mom. I wanted you so badly and prayed for you so hard I just didn’t know if I was enough. I was afraid to not have enough space in my heart, enough time, enough strength, enough patience. I wanted to be everything you needed and deserved and I just didn’t know how I could be the best mom to both you and your brother. How I could equally split myself in half and still be enough.

The wild thing baby girl is that it took less than a second of meeting you for my heart to multiply in size and for my ability to be your mom to grow. You did that. You brought with you not just the most amazing smile but so much magic. You took away all the doubt and every bit of fear. As you cuddled into my chest, wrapped your fingers around mine and looked up at me I knew that I was meant to be your mom and that your place in our little family was there long before we even knew you were coming.

Nyxie it has been a whole year of having you. Somehow I feel like it flew by and at the same time I can’t believe you haven’t been here forever. Your place in this family feels so right. You were so wanted and so needed and you play your role so effortlessly perfectly. You showed my mommy heart how much it could grow. Not just because you arrived to fill up your own place in it but also because watching the special bond between you and your brother is a contagious love that warms up my heart. 

Oh how special you are.  

With your chunky legs and tiny nose. With your bright eyes and longest curliest eye lashes. With your happy smile and intense stare. With your sass and your dancing sway. With your constant gibberish conversations and your sweet hugs. With your big appetite and playful look. With your curious spirit and life of the party personality. With your magnetic charm and ability to make everyone love you instantly. With your perfect combination of sweetness and determination. And with your big heart that fits everyone in it. 

Nyxie you are so perfectly you and I love how proud you are of it. Your confidence is inspiring. We have so much to learn from you and what a blessing it is to walk beside you witnessing you conquer the world. 

Happy trip around the sun Nyxie Pixie.

Te amo por siempre y para siempre


Two years of you

I could say that I merrily blinked but that’s not true. I laughed, I cried, I played, I learned, I read a lot of board books, listened to a million happy songs on repeat, chased you in open fields and store aisles, splashed water with you, rolled down hills with you, visited zoos and safaris and traveled in the best company, I tried new things because they made you happy and I showed you my favorite old ones, I memorized animal facts and became an impressionist, singer, dancer and joggler without judgements, I smiled more times than I can count and the joy that overtook me watching you grow daily is indescribable. I experienced the most pure and powerful unconditional love and discovered that being a mom only gets better and better. 

I am so glad I didn’t just blink and although time flies and I can barely believe my chunky baby is now a handsome little boy I have enjoyed every second of the journey. It is not just you who has grown soaking in everything this beautiful life has to offer but you have changed all the lives you have touched. Because of you we are more ambitious, eagered and tenacious. You make us want to be better and do better. Because of you we are more grateful and patient and wise. You remind us to take deep breaths, learn from everything around us and feel blessed for each moment. Because of you we are happier and spontaneous and even a little bit more wild. You have made our hearts grow bigger, our spirit stronger and our imagination bolder. You, with such ease and beautiful nature almost effortlessly have made our lives so much more magical. 

When I named you Luciano I had no idea your light would be this bright. When your dad named you Poseidon he knew you would be strong and unique but it wasn’t until we met you that we saw the power you have to change the world. Your charm, your wit, your intelligence, your curiosity, your courage, your agility, your strength, your heart. You are the most perfect you we could have ever dreamed of. Thank you for two years full of you and the privilege of being part of them. 

Happy second trip around the sun. 

Love you always and forever.

The possibilities of you


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It all started with the possibility of your existence, that moment when your dad and I imagined what it would be like to bring a little person half of each of us into the world, the possibility of creating a life to change ours forever.

The possibility became a reality when I saw those two pink lines appear on the pregnancy test. When the look of happiness in your dad’s face when I told him the news exceeded all my expectations. When we heard your little heart beat and we saw you for the first time on the screen, a poppy seed shaped like a gummy bear, while our hearts began to grow because we loved you before we even met you.

With each of your little kicks that soon turned into dances and flips in my belly, more possibilities appeared. Your dad and I asked ourselves and each other a thousand times what you would be like, who you would look like, what you would like to do and what your favorite things would be? We didn’t know much about you yet but every possibility filled us with excitement.

In the blink of an eye, you arrived. They put you on my chest and even outside, I felt your heart so close to mine. The possibilities of our first meeting were transformed into the greatest and purest love, into a huge need to take care of you, to protect you, to give you all the best of me. It didn’t take more than a few seconds holding you in my arms to understand that the possibility of your existence was the reason for mine.

Seeing your eyes so mine, your lips so your dad’s and your light so yours filled my soul. While I imagined everything a thousand times and I thought I was preparing for all the possibilities, you showed me from the very first day that you know yourself to be strong, great and free and that you would be the one who would teach me the correct way to live: happy.

You took all the possibilities I could imagine and made them yours.

While some eat, you savor. While some see, you watch. While some do, you enjoy. While some hear, you listen. While some talk, you converse. While some laugh, you crack up. While some exist, you live.

You are curious like your dad and adventurous like me but only you have the charisma to be mischievous with sweetness. You are funny and bold, smart and tenacious, fast and strong, witty and clever. You are persistent and playful, loving and caring. You say few words but express everything. You ran before you crawled and you learn before I teach you.

While I hope you always keep all your beautiful qualities, I also want you to remember all the little details that make you so you.

The little rascal face you wake up with, your sweet giggles throughout the day and the side smile you make when you want to convince me it’s not bedtime yet. Your prideful face when you discover something new and your excited glance when you seek our approval. I love seeing how your eyes light up when you see your dad, how you run into our arms when we pick you up from school, the natural way you have to make friends, your joy that spreads and your smile that lights up any place. I love how you can play in the water for hours, how you laugh with the dogs and how you find fun anywhere. Your imagination is so great and your spirit so pure that the simplest things fill you with joy, from straws and tags to the giant water jug you like to drag across the kitchen. I love your spontaneous hugs and when you hold our hand or finger tightly reminding us how important we are to you. I love watching you discover new flavors and devour food even with my eyes. I love your words that we still do not understand but of which you are so sure. I love that without knowing it you are already my accomplice, accompanying me in all my adventures and all my crazy ideas. Not only do you not judge me for my quirks or my many first time mom stumbles but you also love me and have fun with me while we learn together.

Having created a little piece of happiness that illuminates so much is my greatest achievement. You are the best thing that ever happened to us, the best parts of your dad and me. You inspire us to be the best version of ourselves and you are the engine we always needed. Watching you grow and discover the world with all its possibilities is our great honor. Accompanying you on your adventures is a privilege and having you in our lives is our greatest blessing.

Luciano, thank you for being a light. Your existence fills our lives, strengths our love and multiplies our happiness.

Never stop finding happiness wherever you go or creating it where there is none. Keep giving smiles especially to those who do not have one. Continue being the magic that this world needs and never forget that in the face of a million possibilities, being you is the most beautiful, important, and perfect thing that you can be.

Happy first trip around the sun my beautiful boy.

Love, Mom

To Our Baby


** Haz click aqui para la version en Espanol.

I will forever remember looking at the pregnancy test after that deep breath and realizing my life was about to change. I will remember anxiously waiting to hear your heart beat, to find out if it everything was real. I will remember hitting that tennis ball and watching it explode into blue powder, learning that I would soon have a little man to take care of. I will remember the first time I saw you moving across my belly in the middle of my work out and the other million times you manifested your emotions through different kicks and stretches always reminding me you had a mind of your own and were there with me.

But mostly, I will always remember your daddy’s face when he first saw you in an ultrasound. I will remember his face light up and his eyes turn bright. I will remember his smile beaming across the room and my heart growing bigger as his happiness multiplied mine. That moment when we both realized that our love had created the most wonderful of miracles. That we had created life and that if we had ever done anything right this had to be it. You our son are our biggest most precious accomplishment, a true dream come true.

For along time, my life was all about me and when your dad came around to sweep me of my feet it became about sharing that life with one of the most caring, loving and amazing man I have ever known. Since then, life has been about discovery and adventure and at times uncertainty but always about emotions I could somehow control. With your arrival I know all of that will change and that every emotion I have ever felt will feel small next to pain of seeing you cry and the joy of seeing you smile. But I look forward to all of it. I am ready to experience life in another level, to relive every experience as if it were a new one but now through your eyes.

I promise you to always always always try my best to give you guidance, to love you and protect you. I promise to admit my mistakes so we can both learn from them. I also promise to let you make your own without judgment allowing you to understand consequences but never letting you face them alone.

I haven’t physically met you yet but I already know you. I haven’t hugged you and held you in my arms but I have felt you. I have heard your heart beat, have witness your excitement when you hear your favorite songs, when I read your favorite books, when I eat your favorite foods and when your dad speaks to you.

I haven’t looked at you in the eye and don’t know what your dreams and hopes will be but I know you already love life. You are already so special to us and we already love you you so much.  I am your mom and that will forever be my favorite title.

Life is not always easy but it surely is beautiful and I cant wait to share this world with you.

Love Mom




I had felt it before, seeing the perfect ball land in front of me and knowing I was about to hit a winner during match point, peeking through the big red curtain and seeing a full house waiting for my big performance, as I finished the last sentence of a big presentation and slowly noticed the expression of agreement on everyone’s faces, opening the envelop that would define my college experience, when my lips finally touched that special someone’s mouth and I felt true love rush through my entire body, and when I slowly turned the key to open the door of my first home.

It is the feeling you get when something you have worked hard for or have waited for for so long gets closer. It is the feeling that prefaces your dreams coming true. It is a mixture of butterflies in your stomach and a rush of joy that overtakes you. It is something inside of you announcing that something very exciting is about to happen. It is life reminding you that those perfect moments are real, that you are alive and that your life is changing.

It is such a thrilling and amazing feeling and I am blessed enough to have experienced it many times. So many times in fact, that it had become something familiar. It is a feeling that I treasure so much that it lingers and allows me to make it through the tough times until I am lucky enough to feel it again.

Over two years ago, life hit me with something unexpected, something surprising and sad, and something that scared me and worried me. I found myself wondering what this challenge would bring, what it all meant and trying my hardest to remember all of those times when I had felt blessed and overwhelmed by that feeling of happiness, hoping that the memories would be powerful enough to get me through that very bad time.

In my late 20s, I was faced with news that could potentially change the course of my life. I was forced to think about what death meant and reflect deeply on my life, my dreams and the people I loved. It was a very hard time and although once again life blessed me with another wonderful miracle, the moment when I was told I was going to be okay and that joyful feeling once again took over, it couldn’t take away the emotions of the experience.

Before I was even told I had a second chance at life, I had already promised myself I would live it to the fullest. I had known from the beginning that life was a gift and that I was already lucky to have experienced so much and had nothing but gratitude towards life. What had been so hard was watching the people I loved around me also be affected.

I was sad to cause pain in others even if it wasn’t something I could control. I felt guilty for putting them through something they didn’t signup for. I felt disappointment at the thought of not fulfilling my promises to them. I felt sad to think I would maybe have to leave them behind and alone. And even after being told that I was going to be okay, I was unable to forget how impotent I had felt towards the feelings of the people around me. Even when everything was over, I knew I never wanted to feel that way again. I never wanted to be the reason someone I loved felt pain again.

And so, unconsciously, suddenly one of my biggest life dreams became my biggest fear: becoming a mom.

Life had shown me how unpredictable everything is, how quickly things can change and how little control I actually had on my life. How could I ever be so selfish to bring into the world a little person who would need me so much to then maybe suddenly leave him? How could I create my most precious possession and love it so much and then unwillingly cause it pain? If I wasn’t sure that I was always going to be there, that I could protect him, and care for him and love him then it just felt selfish to become a mom.

I struggled as I realized that my fear was not just interfering with one of my biggest dreams but also my husband’s. I never wanted to bring pain to the people I loved but I also always wanted to bring them happiness. There is nothing my loving husband deserved more than to be happy and if there was someone who had always helped me through my fears it was him. “Feel the fear and then do it anyways,” I had once been told. So with him by my side, I took a leap of faith.

I was soon reminded of the power I have to also bring happiness to the people I love. I have seen and felt it every step of the way and that is what life is all about.

Of all the times that feeling of joy has taken over my body nothing compares to feeling actual life forming inside of me. Feeling those little kicks inside of my belly the past few months are a constant reminder of the miracle of life, of the magic of moments and of that little saying that says that everyday is a gift.

I cannot control life. I don’t know what destiny has in store for me. I don’t know if I will be around tomorrow or for the next 70 years but I do know that everything I do matters. I know that the best way I can be grateful towards life is by letting go of my fears and creating happiness around me.

I hope life allows me to be around for a long time. I hope I can be here to watch my son grow, to teach him, to guide him, to love him. I hope I am strong enough, wise enough, and healthy enough to be a great mom. While there are things I cannot control and things I will always fear, I know that for all the time I will spend with him I will give him the best version of me and that every memory we create together will be one we will both treasure. I know that everything I do will matter, will count and I know that giving him life will be the greatest gift.

If life has been kind enough to give me so many days I can only repay it by living them with a full heart, spreading love, happiness and why not also giving life.


A Tumor and More Time


On March 12th 2017, after feeling an excruciating headache that lasted over a 3-hour international flight, spending more than 10 hours in an emergency room of a little hospital in Guadalajara Mexico, and after several tests including two CAT scans and an MRI, a neurosurgeon walked into the room and in a very casual tone told me I had a brain tumor.

There are a lot of things I don’t remember from my life, but I don’t think I will ever be able to forget that very vivid memory.

The peeling white and grey paint on the walls, the curtain separating my room from the rest, the bright white light reflecting from the ceiling, the sound of steps moving just outside in the hall, the deep blue color of the robe they had changed me into, the mixed smell of medicines and disinfectants, the cold metal of the bed resting against my arm, the thick Colombian accent of the doctor, the still pounding pain on the left side of my head and my mothers strong hand holding mine.

“You have a brain tumor,” those five words echoed in my head in slow motion as the doctor explained the rest. I looked around the room one more time; everything around me was as unfamiliar as the words coming out of the doctor’s mouth. In the middle of a big blur, I desperately looked for something recognizable. Then I heard my mother’s voice: “ We’ve got this,” she said. I looked up at her and through her watery eyes and genuine smile I saw nothing but love and so, I believed her.

I don’t remember my first moment on earth. I don’t know if I was sad, scared, or disoriented, but I am certain it must have felt a little bit like that moment because my mother was also there, and despite the uncertainty of what was going to happen neither one of us felt alone.

I could see the love shinning through my mother’s watery eyes and her effort to keep the tears from revealing any pain. My mother had always seemed so effortlessly strong for me and now I understood how hard it actually had always been. So I didn’t cry, instead, I held on to the strength from her hand holding mine and said, “Yes mom, we’ve got this.”

Waiting on the phone was my husband who had already been told the news. I didn’t know what to say to the voice that had always held the power to make me laugh waiting at the other end of the line. I didn’t know if I would have the strength to smile at him like I always did. I took a deep breath before holding the phone up to my ear.

“Don’t be sad,” I told him before he could get a word in. I had seen his worried look when he dropped me off at the airport some hours earlier and I knew he had been in constant communication with my mother from the moment I had landed. I pictured his worried face and as a reflection of my own feelings I asked, “Are you scared?”

“No,” he replied, “ I don’t get to feel any of that. You do. I just get to be here for you every step of the way. ”

And just like that, effortlessly, he made me smile.

Three months before he had stood in the altar and with the sweetest words and raw emotion he had promised me one single thing: to be the best husband. What had at the time sounded like a romantic declaration, suddenly became a fulfilled promise. There he was, with no questions, expectations or conditions, for better or for worse, my rock.

I still didn’t know what to feel but I knew that whatever version of myself I decided to be he would be there. I knew that blinded by confusion he would be my eyes, and his voice, even from a distance, gave me comfort.

I talked to my sister shortly after and her words were short but just as potent:

“I would tell you to be brave Daniella,” she said, “but you already are the strongest person I know. If you want to cry however,” she continued, “it is okay and I am here to cry with you.”

“You have a brain tumor,” the doctor said. And before I could even begin to understand what that meant I realized that my life was full. So, I finally cried. Not because I was sad, not because I was scared but because I could. Because in a whirlpool of doubt and a moment of confusion I was too overwhelmed to know what to feel but one thing was clear, I was surrounded by love and so I felt safe to humbly cry.

The most beautiful thing about love is that while it gives you strength when you need to be there for others and it also liberates you at your weakest moments. My mother had taught me to be strong by example; she had shown me the strength of unconditional love, which I had learned to reciprocate with the beautiful souls I had encountered in my life. Not because I expected something back but because it made me happy. Unknowingly, over 27 years of life I had grown my heart so full that at my weakest point, I found strength and it multiplied by the love that others felt for me.

And so, ironically, it was at my weakest point, at the moment where my life was the most uncertain, that I felt the most alive. My life powered by love was so full.

If I had ever needed confirmation that I was living my life the right way this was it.

Over the following seven months I received many messages of support. Everyone acted so positive and hopeful even when inside they were sad and angry. They called my situation a “challenge” when truly they believed it to be a misfortune and an injustice. They called me an “inspiration” and a “warrior” even while I was unable to hide my physical symptoms. The healthy life I was so used to quickly turned into fatigue, nausea, and joint pain. My skin and hair became dull, my eyes a little more sunken, my movement became slower and I felt weak. I didn’t look like a warrior and I certainly didn’t feel like one. Regardless, they still called me one.

Despite the way I physically felt, I looked around and admired my life. I was married to most amazing man I knew, I had the most loving pets and my family was caring and supportive. Everyday I had the opportunity to walk outside and breath fresh air, share a meal with my family, smile and laugh, learn something and teach something. In good days and in bad days, my life was still full and I was blessed. My life was simply happy. Why would I ever want to let that go? Wanting to hold on to something I loved so much didn’t make me brave and it hardly made me a warrior.

Brave were all the people surrounding me who covered their true emotions in order to give me strength. Brave was my mother for never sheading a tear in front of me despite her sorrow. Brave was my husband for turning his anger towards the situation into a way to make me laugh. Warriors were all of those who joined a battle that wasn’t theirs, who never let me feel alone, all of those who showed me that in the mist of something sad, I was lucky and blessed.

If life is defined by little and big moments, by those situations that cause a change in us, if failing and wining is all part of the journey, if making mistakes and learning lessons is what creates us and if finding, giving and receiving love is what keeps us breathing, then we don’t need to wait for a big epiphany to really start living.

I was alive and after realizing that my strength would not come from my armor but from the love surrounding me, I no longer felt like crying. If this was it, if my life was cut short, if I never got to cross out the 156 items in my bucket list, if I never visited all the places I wanted, if I never achieved all my dreams, if I didn’t get to celebrate 100 years, if this was my last battle, I would still have lived an incredibly beautiful life and that felt like a victory.

On October 23th 2017, after consulting four different neurosurgeons in different cities and countries, meeting with two different endocrinologists, bi-weekly blood tests, a couple more MRIs, and seven months of physical pain, emotional stress and a lot of uncertainty, a neurosurgeon walked into the exam room of a follow up appointment in Houston, TX and in a very casual voice told me my brain tumor was gone.

And just like that, I was given back the one thing I really didn’t need but I so exceptionally cherished, more time.

At 28 years old I learned that life is the gift and time is just extra. We are put on earth for a reason and we promptly start a quest in the search of its meaning. My purpose was love and that was fulfilled. How bless I am to realize that after building a life of love I now also have a little bit more time for all the extra.


Acts of Kindness


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When you are having one of those crazy days: you get shampoo in your eye while taking your morning shower, burn your breakfast toast, get stuck in traffic, spill your coffee while getting out of the car and then break your heel trying to walk fast to avoid being late to the office. When you are having one of those days when nothing seems to go right, there is nothing like a picker upper to make you smile again.

I personally have had my fair share of those “bad days” and that is why many years ago I vowed to myself to perform at least one act of kindness every day, no matter how small or insignificant it seemed: opening the door for someone, bringing my co-workers breakfast muffins, donating clothes to someone in need, participating in a food drive, volunteering at a local shelter, hugging someone who needed my comfort, giving a stranger a compliment. I wanted to give people that picker upper they needed to smile again in the middle of their “bad day.”

It did not take long for me to realize that “random acts of kindness” are magical. They not only bring a little light to the gloomy day of someone who really needs it but they also make the giver’s heart grow bigger.

The act of giving is ironically, what makes a person feel fuller and more complete.

I am an activist for the “random act of kindness” and a firm believer in always “paying it forward.” I owed this world many smiles and I had made it my mission to give them back. Only to realize that smiles are not something that you can give back, but rather something that you spread around and something that can grow and multiply with the smallest effort. Attempting to bring joy to others only makes your life that much more beautiful.

A couple days ago, my husband called me to tell me he would not be able to meet me for lunch. When I asked him why, he said there had been a devastating accident and he and his squad were taking care of it. He said he just wanted me to know that he loves me and to please always be careful. I couldn’t help a tear role down my cheek. This was not the first time I received a similar call from my husband. Despite the fact that it is he who gets up every morning and goes out there to risk his life for the protection of our city, he is selfless enough to worry about me being safe.

Then it hit me: doing one random act of kindness a day is the small task I had given myself, doing immeasurable acts of kindness is my husband‘s life. With a high intellectual capacity, law degree, great rhetoric, and many other aptitudes, my husband lets his other amazing qualities weigh even more: his moral compass, his strong character, his loyalty, his loving heart, his vocation to serve his country and community, his dedication to humanity, his courage, his kindness and his determination to do what is right. Despite having the tools to choose any career path, my husband chooses to be a public servant.

When I married my husband I knew I was marrying my prince charming and my best friend. Today I can proudly say I also married a man I admire more than words can describe, my inspiration, one of my biggest prides and a true life hero. Through his many acts of kindness, his heart continues to grow bigger and his ability to love and appreciate life in its simplest form grows with it.

Thank you husband. Thank you not just for making my life beautiful but also for your constant effort to make this world a better place. Thank you for showing this world that for every evil there is a blessing and despite witnessing all the darkness keeping your light to help others. Thank you and all public servants for every one of your acts of kindness and may the rest of us learn to pay it forward.
